Inspect your air conditioner.
You probably know by now if you air conditioner unit has any issues but during the winter and spring months the condensing coils can get filled with grass clippings, dust and other debris. Small animals may crawl around in there looking for a cozy place to make a web or nest. It is worth it to spray down your unit with a pressure washer to make sure your air conditioner will go the long haul for you. Also, be sure to clear the area around your unit and plant your vines and other such plants elsewhere.
Clean up your grill.
If you don’t already have a cover for your grill this is money well spent. This will protect your grill from weather conditions year round. The first step to getting a sparkly and sanitary grill again is to scrub the grates with a wire brush. Try to remember to do this most every time you even use the grill as well. Then, remove and wash your burner protectors. You can simply toss them into a bucket full of soapy water and add in your elbow grease to get them cleaned. Next, wipe the grime from your burners and use your wire brush on the plates underneath your burners. Don’t forget to give the bottom tray that is acting as your collect-all area a wash out too. For an exhaustive step-by-step list of grill cleaning click here.
Check for pests.
Take the time to give the outside of your home a good inspection for cracks and holes as these may be entry points for pests big and small and be sure to clear any areas that usually hold moisture, like your gutters, to prevent attracting anything unwanted. Due to warmer temperatures, longer days and more ample food sources you may have to combat dealing with pests all summer long. If you suspect an infestation or serious issue be sure to contact the professionals to properly handle this.
Wash your windows.
Ideally, your windows should be washed twice a year. Take advantage of the warm temperatures and dry summer days to make your windows sparkle on the inside and outside of your home. Don’t move the dirt and dust around by rubbing in a circular motion. Instead, use a solution of warm water and dishwashing soap and opt for a strip applicator. If you have very tall windows consider paying a professional window washing company to help you out on this task in exchange for your safety in getting this chore done.
What kind of chores to your add to your personal summer-season to-do list?